Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation

By: Sally Hogshead

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"Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation" by Sally Hogshead is a seminal work, providing an insightful investigation into the psychology of fascination. Written in an entertaining and engaging manner, Hogshead deftly unveils the seven universal triggers that captivate our attention: Lust, Mystique, Alarm, Prestige, Power, Vice, and Trust. These triggers are like invisible buttons within our psyche, each having the ability to fascinate and persuade us in unique ways.
Ever watched a magic trick and were left in complete awe? That's how Sally Hogshead spins her magic throughout this book. She masterfully pulls back the curtain on human nature, providing the reader with an understanding of what makes us tick and, more importantly, what holds us spellbound. By understanding these triggers, we can enhance our ability to influence others, market our ideas effectively, and maintain enchanting relationships.
To guide your journey, imagine this book as your personal compass, pointing you towards the path of captivation. With each chapter, Hogshead offers real-world examples, case studies, and practical applications of each trigger. These triggers aren't just theoretical constructs; they're dynamic tools that can be used to elevate our personal and professional lives.
Ultimately, "Fascinate: Your 7 Triggers to Persuasion and Captivation" is not just a guidebook for understanding human psychology. It's a playbook for navigating the labyrinth of human interaction. It's like obtaining a cheat code for life, providing you with an ability to captivate and persuade that sets you apart from the crowd.


The trigger of Lust isn't necessarily about romantic or sexual desire. Rather, it encapsulates our longing for sensory pleasure and experiences. Hogshead presents this concept as an intoxicating blend of the senses that can be strategically utilized to create a captivating allure. The lure of lust makes us crav...

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  • The 10 main ideas presented in this book - and how to apply them to your business!
  • How to leverage the insights from this book in your business for better results, faster results, and cheaper results!
  • AI Prompts you can use immediately to help you apply the ideas in this book in your life and business!

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