Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing

By: Harry Beckwith

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In "Selling the Invisible: A Field Guide to Modern Marketing," Harry Beckwith delves into the mystique and nuance of marketing services rather than tangible products. He lays out a roadmap for success, inviting readers to understand that the intangible world of services is a vast market full of opportunities. Beckwith emphasizes that marketing a service is inherently different from marketing a product and requires an understanding of human psychology and emotions.
In a world flooded with products, the marketing of services, which Beckwith refers to as "the invisible," becomes a unique art form. He believes that the rules governing the sale of physical products don't apply here; instead, new methodologies must be crafted. The author guides the reader through a labyrinth of concepts, techniques, and strategies, enriching them with real-world examples and case studies that breathe life into abstract ideas.
Understanding that services cannot be perceived through traditional sensory channels, Beckwith calls for a different kind of creativity in marketing. By tapping into the needs, wants, and feelings of the target audience, marketers can design experiences that resonate with their customers. This part of the book serves as a plea for authenticity, empathy, and human-centric marketing, away from cold, unfeeling strategies.
At the core of Beckwith's philosophy lies the idea of relationship-building. Trust, credibility, and understanding the client are fundamental components in marketing a service. The author also dispels many myths about marketing and presents clear and actionable advice. His insight into human nature, coupled with practical guidance, makes this book a vital tool for anyone involved in selling services, from consultants to small business owners.
Understanding the Intangibles


Harry Beckwith begins by expressing the necessity of grasping the invisible nature of services. He underscores the significance...

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