Business Book Summaries

An open book with birds flying over it.

Creating Great Choices

In “Creating Great Choices,” Roger Martin explores the challenging landscape of decision-making in a world brimming with complex dilemmas. Rather than viewing decision-making as a binary process—choosing between A or B—he presents a transformative perspective that celebrates the fusion of multiple possibilities. The author prompts us to reconsider our long-standing…

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A tree made of wires and lights on a black background.

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark offers a fascinating dive into the evolving world of AI. Pioneering the conversation around what our existence might look like in an age dominated by machine intelligence, Tegmark takes us on an expedition that challenges our perceptions…

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Your Exit Map

“Your Exit Map” by John Dini, like a trusty GPS, doesn’t just chart one course but enlightens business owners on the various routes they could take when they’re ready to exit their businesses. This isn’t just a guide about selling or transferring ownership; it’s a comprehensive manual for creating a…

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A man reading a book in a library full of books.

Everybody Lies

Internet searches and big data have gifted us with an astonishing capability to understand human nature. Seth Stephen-Davidowitz, in his riveting book “Everybody Lies”, dives deep into the abyss of the digital age to unearth startling truths about our secret desires, fears, and biases. Unlike surveys where we, endearing creatures,…

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A group of people sitting around a table.

Gen Z at Work

Gen Z at Work by David Stillman and Jonah Stillman dives deep into the mindset, ambitions, and motivations of the Generation Z demographic. Written with a blend of research and personal anecdotes, this book provides a vibrant portrayal of a generation that is both digitally native and profoundly transformative in…

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Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity

Navigating the tumultuous seas of leadership can often seem like a voyage through uncharted waters, a sentiment that Kim Scott, seasoned Silicon Valley veteran, addresses head-on in her groundbreaking book, “Radical Candor: Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity”. Scott artfully deconstructs the complexities of modern-day leadership, equipping readers…

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A painting of angels and demons surrounded by angels.

The Effective Executive: The Definitive Guide to Getting the Right Things Done

In the heart of every corporate maze, one often finds individuals bustling with activity, yet achieving little. Peter F. Drucker’s “The Effective Executive” peels back the layers of daily grind to reveal the core of genuine productivity. Drucker delves into the mindset and practices that propel the truly effective executive,…

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A large heart in the middle of a crowd of people.

Customer Loyalty Loop

The world of business is a vast labyrinth of strategies, methods, and techniques. Yet, Noah Fleming’s “Customer Loyalty Loop” cuts through the noise with a razor-sharp focus on the age-old principle: It’s cheaper to keep an existing customer than to acquire a new one. With punchy anecdotes and relatable examples,…

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A painting of a woman working at a table.


In the insightful pages of “Payoff,” Dan Ariely dives deep into the intricacies of human motivation, painting a vivid picture of the myriad factors that drive our actions. Ariely argues that while money can indeed be a motivator, it’s often not the most effective one. Delving into the human psyche,…

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A desk with a lot of papers on it.


Messy is not just an adjective to describe your teenager’s bedroom; it’s a fundamental state of the universe. Tim Harford, in his enlightening book, argues against the modern obsession with order, urging us to recognize the beauty and potential within the unorganized. He compellingly points out how embracing randomness can…

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A man in a suit walking down a city street.

Simply Brilliant

Stepping into the vibrant landscape crafted by Bill Taylor in “Simply Brilliant,” we encounter a treatise that doesn’t just tell, but actively engages readers in a vivid discussion on the transformative power of innovative thinking in the business environment. Taylor, as a seasoned maestro in the orchestra of business and…

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A man sitting on the floor in front of a maze of pictures.

Motivational Management: The Sandler Way

In the corporate landscape where managing team dynamics is a pivotal role, Mike Crandall throws light on an avant-garde approach to leadership in his book “Motivational Management: The Sandler Way”. The author navigates through the intricacies of motivational management, ushering a fresh perspective on handling teams with a focus on…

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